Active Directory ortamında her restart sonrasında netlogon servisi duruyor ise aşağıdaki adımlar yapılmalı.
I had an issue at PCS where the netlogon service would always be in the paused state whenever the server started. If the netlogon service is not running then no other computers can connect to it. In the case of a domain controller it effects the whole domain. No other services can work until the netlogon service is running. I found three things to try.
1. Check for USN rollback by using the command Repadmin /showutdvec (KB Article: 875495, 885875)
2. Check the Registry value “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters, “DSA Not Writable” (REG_DWORD) and its value is 0x4.
3. Delete “DSA Not Writable” (REG_DWORD) from registry and reboot the server.
2. adımda bulunan değer 0 olarak değiştirilebilir.
Doing numbers 2 & 3 fixed it.